Looking to move away from Xenforo Cloud hosting


Thanks for approving my account. I'm part of a group that is developing a Xenforo forum at StrategyGaming.com.

We're currently using the Xenforo Cloud Starter package, as we're limiting invites to a small number of contributors now, but we expect a mild surge of new members once we go public with it in the near future. It's a convenient starting point for hosting, but it's also quite a locked-down environment that we're already finding limitations with in terms of access to server files, JS, etc. etc.

We're partially doing this as an upgrade for an existing community running on older software, so we can probably expect something in the region of 100-150 fairly active users in the next few months. There should be some long-term growth potential once we advertise our content on social media etc. and attract people over from other communities we're linked to as well.

Like the look of your services, so we'd be interested in knowing the prices of relevant packages that would cover our needs.

Cheers. :)